About G&E Division
The Gas & Energy Division was formed as one of the learned societies of the HKIE in 1989. At present our Division has a membership of over 1,000 of which about 50% are Corporate Members.
The mission of our Division is to promote safe and efficient use of gas and energy in Hong Kong and to maintain our identity as a learned society for gas and energy engineers of the HKIE. We provide communication channels to share the latest technology development and new initiatives in gas and energy engineering and to exchange technical knowledge for the continuing professional development of fellow members.
The exchange of knowledge is achieved through organizing technical talks, symposium and seminars by expert speakers on new technology or innovation and organising local and overseas technical visits to facilities with gas and energy applications of interest. The Division Committee regularly interacts with the HKIE and the other Divisions in presenting the views of the members to the public and the Government of the HKSAR on issues concerning gas and energy applications. Close partnership is maintained with the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (Far East District Section), the Institute of Energy (Hong Kong Branch), and other international professional bodies.
For the convenience of our members, technical talks are usually held on weekdays after office hours at the HKIE Headquarters, and field visits are usually held on Saturday mornings. Announcements of forthcoming activities are made on the Pink Pages of Hong Kong Engineer and enrolment can be by fax, phone or e-mail to our Activities Conveners. Further details can be found on this web page under "Events/Activities".