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Webinar: Exploring Sustainable Development and Responsible Investment: Understanding ESG and Its Impact on Financial Markets

Date, time & venue

2024-01-11;6:15pm – 7:45pm;Chun Wo & Hsin Chong Room - 10/F


Webinar: Exploring Sustainable Development and Responsible Investment: Understanding ESG and Its Impact on Financial Markets



HKIE Gas and Energy Division, HKIE Electrical Division,


Date: 11th Jan 2024 (Thu)

Time: 6:15pm – 7:45pm

Venue: HKIE Chun Wo Room and Zoom

Registration Fee: Free of Charge


Language: English


Event Highlight


ESG is the abbreviation for Environmental, Social, and Governance, which represents the responsibilities that globally-oriented companies have towards climate change, labor practices, the ecological environment, consumer issues, and other public concerns. Stakeholders of companies, including regulatory institutions, sovereign funds, partners, customers, etc., are increasingly concerned about a company's performance in social and environmental aspects. The standards for evaluating a company's performance are no longer limited to its profitability but also include its commitment to and implementation of various principles of social responsibility. The economic, social, and environmental performance serves as a criterion for assessing a company's ability to sustain its operations.


The seminar aims to provide attendees who are new to ESG or interested in Responsible Investment with an understanding of the importance of sustainable development. The speaker will share insights on what sustainability entails, the impact of climate change on financial markets and investments, different approaches to sustainable investing such as ESG integration, impact investing, and thematic investing, as well as the evaluation of climate change and ESG factors in investment decision-making.

ESG is the abbreviation for Environmental, Social, and Governance, which represents the responsibilities that globally-oriented companies have towards climate change, labor practices, the ecological environment, consumer issues, and other public concerns. Stakeholders of companies, including regulatory institutions, sovereign funds, partners, customers, etc., are increasingly concerned about a company's performance in social and environmental aspects. The standards for evaluating a company's performance are no longer limited to its profitability but also include its commitment to and implementation of various principles of social responsibility. The economic, social, and environmental performance serves as a criterion for assessing a company's ability to sustain its operations.


The seminar aims to provide attendees who are new to ESG and interested in Responsible Investment with an understanding of the importance of sustainable development. The speaker will share insights on what sustainability entails, the impact of climate change on financial markets and investments, different approaches to sustainable investing such as ESG integration, impact investing, and thematic investing, as well as the evaluation of climate change and ESG factors in investment decision-making.Save



Mr. Polex Lam is a Certified ESG Analyst, Chartered Environmentalist, Chartered Energy Manager, and holder of CFA's Certificate of ESG Investing. He is also a committee member, assessor, and interviewer for the Energy Institute. With over 15 years of experience in the field of sustainable development, Mr. Polex Lam has worked in financial institutions, international consulting firms (Big 4), and utility companies. His expertise spans various areas, including carbon reduction and energy efficiency, green energy transition and development, climate change and sustainability consulting, ESG risk management, ESG data verification, corporate sustainability assessment, ESG integration, and responsible investment.




Registration & Enquiries

·         The number of participants is limited to 300.

·         Prior registration is required. Applications will be accepted on a first-come first served basis with the priorities given to HKIE-EG and EL members.

·         Successful members will be notified by an email with a Zoom Meeting link closer to the event date.

·         Electronic copy of CPD certificate will be sent to successful members through email within one month after the event.

·         Please register via this link: https://forms.gle/u7wXWdJPoFrSVB1o6 by 4 Jan 2024 (Thru).

·         For enquiry, please contact Ms. Hana Tsang at 9617 1478





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